Antoinette Pacheco
Mother, US Marine & Fitness Enthusiast
I have been taking Pure Form Omega consistently for 7 months, and it has just amplified my training and overall health to optimal levels. For some time, I was struggling with the wear and tear on my body from serving 8 years in the US Marine Corps, having gained 60lbs from a complicated pregnancy, and being born with heart arrhythmia. My body reached to the point to where I had dislocated my shoulder twice, pinched a disc and developed scoliosis.
After taking Pure Form Omega®, and rehabilitating my body for months, I’ve been able to recover better than before. Most noticeably, my heart arrhythmia doesn’t bother me as much, my joints feel better, and on the plus side, my skin, hair, and nails look and feel better! ☺ I highly recommend this product to clients, family, and friends all the time. It has helped me so much, and I know anyone else can benefit from it as well.